Ideas of Ways to Jump-Start Your Career during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Due to the pandemic, many workers have been in a difficult situation. Employers’ requirements are higher because of tech professionals’ increasing demands. And remote work has become the new standard. These and many other factors have made employees try new things. As new strategies are required, they’re struggling to jump-start their career.

During the pandemic, many enrolled in vocational schools to learn new skills and adapt. However, to get a new job, you’ll need more than adding a few skills to your skillset. Taking a step in the right direction can be hard if you don’t know where to start. Given that, here are some strategies that will allow you to face Covid-19 and jump-start your career.

The lack of skilled workers has made several companies take a pause during the pandemic. So, if you’re willing to get a new position, you need to look for vacancies in active sectors. Researching will allow you to identify what employers are actively looking for in their new hirings. As a result, you’ll be able to make a new plan.

Changing the way you approach employers’ will help you to increase your chances of getting hired. As you’ll know what it takes to meet employers’ expectations, you can make your CV fit their needs. Otherwise, if you need to learn new skills, you can trace a new path. 

Using Linkedin Can Help

Digital channels are a great tool to attract employers’ attention. LinkedIn has become mainstream. Many employers and hiring managers are using it to find potential hirings. If you want to impress today’s employers, you can build a LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn allows users to share job experiences, ask for recommendations, and build an exceptional working network. By using machine learning algorithms, the platform makes finding employers in your field super easy. So, the first thing you have to do is add a profile picture that looks professional. Try to be spontaneous and smile. It will help you to increase employers’ trust.

Write an eye-catching headline. Don’t look desperate, and avoid writing “open to new opportunities.” You should indeed be opened to new opportunities, but, writing that in the headline can make you less attractive. Try writing your last job title and add some skills you use in your daily work life. For example, “Software Engineer | React | CSS | Python.”

Writing a summary is the third step to follow. Be genuine and write about your goals, mission, and what keeps you motivated. Of course, don’t forget to add your best skills as it’ll allow you to make employers’ feel engaged.

Finally, you should ask for recommendations. Today’s employers like to see reviews from others. Ask previous co-workers, friends, and even your last boss to write a recommendation. Employers will see your actual performance, and your chances of getting an interview will increase.

To boost your career, using social networks has become indispensable. LinkedIn is among the most popular networks for job seekers. But, you can also use Instagram or Upwork to catch employers’ attention. 

Making Your Time At Home Valuable

The pandemic has provided us with a lot of free time. And not making that time valuable would not be a good choice. Since remote workers are in-demand, learning coding skills can help you to jump-start your career. As working from home will be no hurdle, you’ll become an attractive candidate.

Some people are taking classes in a “boot camp” type of  coding school that fits their needs.  They’ve become popular because they provide candidates with the right skills to land a high-quality job in only a few months.

There is a company called Springboard with a part-time coding bootcamp that provides students with everything they need to learn from home. The company allows partiipants to launch a new career in fields like data science, software engineering, and UX design with a job guarantee.

Students can learn key skills in only six months and receive help from experts in the field. After learning programming tools like SQL, Python, and JavaScript, meeting employers’ needs will be less of a challenge.

Don’t Put Limits on What You Offer to Employers

Employers like candidates who are willing to go the extra mile. For companies, proactive employers are a must to stay relevant. So, if you’re looking to increase your chances, don’t put limits on what you offer to employers. Today’s competition is tougher, and if you want to get hired, you need to give more.  

Creating connections is always an excellent way to increase your chances of getting an interview and jump-start your career. Tell your friends and previous co-workers you are looking for a job. Having references makes you a trustworthy candidate.

Some people say leveraging relationships during the isolation of COVID-19 is impossible, but it is your job to break that barrier. Of course, standing within six feet from employers won’t be possible. But, companies like Zoom have developed great tools to promote virtually interactions. Don’t let isolation be an excuse to take big strides in your career. 

Try to Stand Out In A Crowd

Standing out from the crowd can be challenging these days. But, to make a difference, you need to embrace changes. Nowadays, portfolios are used to show abilities. With a portfolio, you can add personal and professional projects, catching employers’ attention is not a problem.

If you’re willing to stand out from other candidates, you must create your own portfolio. It’s the perfect tool to show your actual abilities and convince employers. 

Hopefully, some of these strategies can help get you equipped with the right tools to jump-start your career during the pandemic. If you take advantage of digital platforms, landing a new position will be much easier. 


About stlsportspage 2703 Articles, Rob Rains, Editor.